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Poor John's Portable Toilets

The Essential Guide to Planning Restroom Facilities for Sporting Events

Tom Sawyer • May 12, 2024
baseball event

As a seasoned event organizer, we understand the importance of providing adequate restroom facilities at sporting events. Whether it's a local 5k race, a charity fundraiser, or a high school football game, ensuring access to clean and comfortable portable toilets can significantly influence the overall experience for both athletes and spectators. 

A successful sporting event requires a great deal of attention to detail, from selecting the event venue and creating a schedule to managing logistics like security, parking, and restroom facilities. While it's easy to focus on more visible aspects of the event, such as ticket sales or sponsorships, providing appropriate restroom facilities is a critical component that can significantly impact guest satisfaction. Proper planning and management of restroom facilities can make a world of difference in ensuring your sporting event's smooth operation and overall success.

In this blog post, we'll discuss key factors, such as determining the number of portable toilets needed, the location of restroom facilities, choosing the right type of portable toilet, scheduling maintenance and cleaning services, and managing restroom accessibility for all guests, including individuals with disabilities and families with young children. By taking the time to thoughtfully plan restroom facilities for your sporting event, you'll create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance.

1. Determining the Number of Portable Toilets Needed

A crucial aspect of planning restroom facilities for any sporting event is determining the appropriate number of portable toilets to accommodate the needs of all attendees. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

1. Event Size: The number of participants, spectators, and event staff will significantly influence the number of portable restrooms required. A general rule of thumb is to provide one portable toilet for every 60-100 people; however, the specific ratio for your event may vary depending on other factors.

2. Event Duration: Longer events may necessitate a higher number of portable restrooms to accommodate increased usage over time. Additionally, if your event includes food and beverages, consider increasing the number of restrooms available.

3. Restroom Balance: To minimize wait times and offer an efficient experience, provide a balanced distribution of restrooms designated for men and women, as well as units that are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

2. Choosing the Right Type of Portable Toilet

Selecting the appropriate type of portable toilet for your sporting event is vital for ensuring a positive restroom experience for all attendees. Consider the following options when choosing the right solution for your event:

1. Standard Portable Restrooms: These basic units offer cost-effective and straightforward restroom solutions, featuring toilets and urinals. They are suitable for most sporting events where luxury amenities are not a priority.

2. Luxury Restroom Trailers: For more upscale events or VIP areas, luxury restroom trailers provide elevated restroom experiences, including separate male and female sections, flushing toilets, sinks with running water, and climate-controlled interiors.

3. ADA-Compliant Restrooms: To accommodate attendees with disabilities, include ADA-compliant portable restrooms at your event. These spacious, accessible units offer a comfortable and inclusive restroom experience for all guests.

4. Family-Friendly Restrooms: If your sporting event attracts families with young children, consider providing family-friendly restrooms that include diaper-changing stations and additional space for parents and children.

3. Strategically Locating Restroom Facilities

Proper placement of portable restrooms at your sporting event is essential for smooth operations and attendee satisfaction. Keep the following considerations in mind when determining where to position your rented facilities:

1. High Traffic Areas: To ensure maximum accessibility, place portable restroom units in high-traffic areas, such as near parking lots, food and beverage stations, and seating zones. Strategic placement will help reduce crowding and wait times.

2. Proximity to the Action: Position restroom facilities close enough to the main event area for easy access but far enough away to avoid any unwanted odors or noise disrupting the sporting experience.

3. Terrain and Accessibility: Avoid placing portable restrooms on uneven ground or in locations prone to flooding or other hazards. Ensure the surrounding area is well-lit and clearly marked to assist attendees in finding the facilities.

4. Scheduling Maintenance and Ensuring Accessibility

Consistent maintenance and accessibility are critical components in providing a positive restroom experience for all attendees. Consider the following tips to keep your portable restrooms clean and accessible during your sporting event:

1. Regular Cleaning and Restocking: Schedule routine cleaning and maintenance services throughout the duration of the event to ensure restrooms remain sanitary, fully stocked, and functional.

2. Handwashing Stations: In addition to portable toilets, provide handwashing stations or hand sanitizer dispensers nearby to promote proper hygiene and help reduce the spread of germs.

3. Clear Signage: Use clear, well-lit signage to direct attendees to restroom facilities. Make sure signs prominently indicate accessible restrooms for guests with disabilities.

4. Monitor Restroom Usage: Assign event staff members to monitor restroom usage, address any issues promptly, and assist with accessibility needs when necessary.


Planning restroom facilities for sporting events demands careful attention to detail and consideration for the comfort and satisfaction of all guests. By evaluating the number of portable toilets needed, selecting the right type of restroom, strategically locating facilities, and scheduling maintenance and accessibility support, you'll contribute to your sporting event's success and attendee enjoyment.

Elevate your sporting event by partnering with experts in portable toilet solutions to help you create a seamless restroom experience that meets the needs of participants, spectators, and event staff alike.

Ensure the success of your sporting event with top-quality portable rental toilet solutions from Poor John's Portable Toilets. Contact our team today to discuss your event requirements and explore our range of portable toilets designed to suit any occasion.

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